5 Ways Pharmacists Are Helping People Live Healthier Lives

Imagine having an extreme headache and not having the facility of fetching medicines or getting hospitalized with an exorbitant bill just for mere fever. Well, things would have been so complicated had there been no pharmacists around. A pharmacy is a place where medicines are prepared, ...

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5 Challenges Faced By Pharmacists When Taking Care Of Elderly Patients

Pharmacists have added responsibilities due to the pandemic. They now not only have to look into prevention of infection, be able to manage the supply chains, and reach out to vulnerable elderly who are among the hardest hit. These patients often present several health conditions ...

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5 Myths About Pharmacy Careers Debunked

Innumerable rumours are floating around the career of pharmacists. Different people have different views. However, not all rumours are accurate. Debunk news is everywhere; thus, one needs to be very particular while trusting any sources. Someone who is planning for a career in pharmacy needs to ...

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Here’s How Pharmacists Are Helping To Control The Spread Of COVID-19.

This year we witnessed the worst colours of a pandemic. COVID-19 made the lives of people worsen to extreme limits. People all around the world are facing severe crises, and poverty continues to increase exponentially. The outbreak, which started in China, has now travelled worldwide and ...

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