Chemists & Pharmacists: Learn The Difference

Ever been in an awkward situation where someone cuts in while you’re speaking only to correct you? There have been so many instances where we use two similar words interchangeably. And later find out that the meaning was poles apart.  There are many words we use every day without knowing ...

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Uncommon Ingredients Used in Medication

Humans have one rare quality that most other organisms do not have. And that is to use and apply logic in everyday situations. Humans are making use of their reasoning to know everything. And the reason has led us to become curious creatures.  In the present world, there is ample information ...

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Blood Pressure Medicines: Know When To Take Them During The Day

What is high blood pressure: Blood pressure is blood struggling against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. It is regular for your blood pressure to go up and down during the day. But, if it is high when you are sleeping, you have high blood pressure. Patients with high ...

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Here’s Why Pharmacies Should Focus On Personalised Care

Evolution of pharmacy: Over the past years, pharmacies have evolved a lot because of personalised health care needs. All the pharmacists must focus on customised health care and have the ability to provide health care to the patients that will also give them a competitive advantage over the ...

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