Why Ear Piercing Is Safe And Precise When Done In A Pharmacy

Besides necklaces and rings, earrings are the most famous type of jewellery options people like. As the name suggests, ear piercing is the act of getting one’s ear/ears pierced. It is more often a fashion choice that people prefer to indulge in and further accessorise it with various jewellery ...

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Why Storing Prescriptions Digitally Is Safe And Convenient To Use

Prescription error is a common problem worldwide. Every year thousands of people die due to wrong prescription interpretation followed by wrong medication. In the USA itself, 40,000 people die each year due to medical errors.    Technology plays an essential role in mitigating human error ...

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How Blood Pressure And Sugar Are Directly Related To Stress And Mental Tension

Stress and mental tension are two terms that are used quite often these days. With the busy running lives today, believe it or not, along with physical health, an individual’s mental health takes a huge hit. The mental pressure of outdoing everyone and going out of the box drives people ...

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Healthy Home Remedies To Balance Your Blood Glucose While Travelling

What is Blood Glucose? The term blood glucose level, blood sugar level, or even blood sugar concentration indicate the concentration of glucose present in the body of a human being or an animal. Here, glucose is a simple sugar present in our blood. A 70-kilogram human body has approximately 4g ...

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